iPad: First Impressions
Despite not being completely blown away with it (the "it's indistinguishable from magic" propaganda from Apple was a bit much, even though I think the company is probably »
Despite not being completely blown away with it (the "it's indistinguishable from magic" propaganda from Apple was a bit much, even though I think the company is probably »
So, there's a certain type of test that's been failing in the M7 code, and I've been working on it all day long. It has to do with the Erector »
Thursday night, there were 136 failing tests left on the M7 test suite. As of this morning, that number is 90. 46 fixed tests in 3 days. Not bad! Of »
I think you could make a very compelling argument that programming is simply the practice of making trade offs. Minute after minute, day after day, week after week, we're presented »